Order of Animals + Beauty School + Staiano/Guarino – August 13

Active Music Series presents Ava Mendoza’s Order of Animals + Beauty School + Staiano Guarino Duo

Ava Mendoza’s Order of Animals with Ava Mendoza, guitar; Aram Shelton, saxes; Michael Coleman, synths; Ellie Erickson, bass; Marshall Trammell, drums. This group features five players as comfortable playing free as they are playing groove-based music. Springboarding off of loose written motifs, they launch into hard-hitting open improvisations that range from the completely abstract to the ass-shaking. A careful listener will hear hints of elephantine proto funk, zebraesque melodic counterpoint, mysterious but compelling starling murmurations, wolfish battle calls, and more. Including members of Beep!, CavityFang, Erase Errata, Ton Trio, Black Spirituals, and Unnatural Ways.

Beauty School is a blossoming electroacoustic trio. Extreme extended technique on electric bass, trumpet, and drums combines with nasty homemade electronics and circuit bent keyboards to create an orgy of skronk and ugliness. Get up with it. With Matt Chandler, bass guitar; Tom Djll, electronics+trumpet; Jacob Felix Heule, percussion+electronics. http://vimeo.com/64815649

Moe! Staiano and Michael Guarino are two Oakland-based percussionist who share the same interest in musical taste and visual drum play. They have both been in various bands and recordings throughout the years including Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Mute Socialite, Surplus 1980 (Moe! Staiano), Oaxacan, Compomicro Dexall, Caroliner (Michael Guarino), and others. Both are currently active in the local music Community.

Active Music Series – Second Tuesdays at the Uptown
Music at 9 No cover, donations accepted.

1928 Telegraph
Oakland, CA